By: Jenny Klein
If you have not yet seen this episode, please go and do so before proceeding.
This was supposed to be Supernatural's version of The Heat. Well I don't know how much it succeeded in that regard, but it teamed up Sheriff Jody and Sheriff I am all on board. (Pssst, CW? The Jody & Donna Show is a much better idea for a spin-off than Bloodlines.)

It is a good thing that Donna and Jody worked so well together, because this episode was incredibly boring. I know that it's hard to make familiar monsters still seem formidable this far into the show (vamps this week) but it feels like they weren't even really trying. It would have been better to have a new kind of scavengers entirely rather than inventing a new behavior for a vamp nest. Maybe it could have been a twisted, cannibalistic family like from The Benders?
As it stands, though the actual plot was quite weak, the episode was still fairly enjoyable if only for the character interactions. Donna and Jody were wonderful together and getting to watch Jody and Sam work as a team is always a pleasure. The fact that Sam called her while he was searching for Dean is certainly interesting because he wouldn't have been calling to warn her, he would have just been calling for support. Sam needs friends that he can do that with. The episode was a prime example of how, when plot and story fails, characters can carry you through. Because the only thing worth watching here was the little character moments where they were all bantering and talking and just working together. Honestly it's the only thing that got me through the tedious, no-tension climax with the villain monologue and the boring-as-anything vampires that were defeated WAY TOO easily.
Oh well. At least Jody and Donna were interesting...
Favorite Moments & Random Thoughts:
- Everybody silently groaning whenever the sheriff retreat leader declares a 'mixer ice-breaker' game just cracks me up. I always have the same reaction whenever I'm told to 'find a partner' at an event. It's ever so awkward.
- At least Dean and Sam are finally researching that foreboding tattoo on Dean's arm.

- Smoker Dude who got sucked into a dumpster (in a scene that reminded me eerily of a more bloody version of Mickey's mishap in Rose) got a scene that reminded me a bit of stuff from early Supernatural. Remember whenever it was more urban horror tributes? If this season is blending in tropes from the early show with the more fantastical elements of the post-Kripke era, then I'm all the more excited about it.
- Jody being a mother to Alex is something I never knew I needed until now. If you'll remember, I wasn't particularly fond of the vampire-raised girl in her introductory episode last season...but now with her just existing off camera and through Jody's exasperated phone calls, I think I actually really like her. Huh.
- "This badge means something." "I made it at Kinko's." "Yes you did. Be proud of that."
- Oh gosh...I was getting hives from that incredibly sexist gun dealer Jody and Donna had to deal with. "Do you think you can handle a big one?" "Perfect for going and getting your nails done." Oh Balthazar, smite me now! Donna and Jody handled him well.
- Jody shutting Doug (Donna's husband who divorced her because of her weight) down is now officially my favorite thing ever. You go, girl!
- All of the Lion King quotes in this episode were just great too. And am I the only one who thinks that Donna might be based off of someone from Fargo?
- But did they have to give us a flashback to the scene where Jody's zombified son killed her husband? Really?! I was traumatized enough the first time around, thanks. I didn't need a reminder.
- Dean's attempts to sweet-talk the deputy he alienated earlier and bring him around to being a helper are both pathetic and hilarious (more so because they actually kind of worked). Leave the diplomacy to Sam, Dean.
- Oh. My. Gosh. Donna is ADORABLE! But she's also a tough and no-nonsense lady like Jody when push comes to shove.
- The vampire girl called Sam 'Sunflower'. Interesting comparison. Is that because he's so tall?
- I think Sam and Dean were taken out WAY TOO EASILY by a blow to the head. Are vamps stronger than humans or something?
- Somehow I feel like all of the jokes about vamps drinking animal/bagged blood being equivalent to a tiger eating salad were yet another jab at Stephanie Meyer and her 'vegetarian vampires'. But that could just be me...
- Okay. Sheriff Donna is officially hardcore. She took out her reading glasses behind her back, pulled out one of the lenses, snapped the lens in half with her bare hands, and proceeded to saw through her bonds. Can she and Jody move in together and, with Alex, have a little spin-off of their own? Please? Even if it's just a miniseries?
So, yeah. This episode was an extraordinarily dull plot that is only saved by the established personalities of the characters. Watching sunny, happy-go-lucky Donna and tough, no-nonsense Jody interact was a lot of fun and Sam and Dean slotted in nicely too. I'm starting to get REALLY worried about Dean, though. Judging by the promo, the mid-season finale is going to kill us all with feels. To be honest, I'm a little bit torn about a rating for this episode. The sheriff vampire subplot (and I call it a subplot because it wasn't as interesting as the Jody - Donna story line) was frightfully boring and under-written, but I don't really think it actually detracted from anything. No. That would imply that it was actually interesting enough to impact me in some way. Based on the charm of Jody and Donna, I'm going to give this episode a 3/5. We need more of these two!
What did you think? Do you agree with my rating? If not - what would you say differently?
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