Sunday, January 4, 2015

NuWho Review: 2014 Christmas Special "Last Christmas"

**Spoiler alert** If you haven't seen this episode, please go watch it and come back. (This includes you, Emily) :)

From The Author:

Hi guys! Normally this review would be our Fearless Leader Emily's job, but she doesn't trust herself due to Moffatt issues so I volunteered to take it on. 

Note 2: Interesting Seth note; ironically, I don't celebrate Xmas. Never have, never will. So expect me to not "get" a lot of the more Christmassy things.


I've never actually seen Inception but I understand enough about it to realize that this episode is remarkably similar. Dreams within dreams, totems, etc...

The main enemy of this episode are  Half Life style headcrabs. Who "kill you nicely" by using dreaming as an anesthetic, leading into a story-within-a-story episode.

Random Thoughts and Observations

I'll start off by saying that every time I drafted this, it quickly turned into a rant over how much I hate Clara so I'll try to avoid going there as best I can. 

Yes. Clara stays with the show. Whether you like that or not is up to your individual feelings on her but let me give my opinion that she has outstayed her welcome. It isn't that I have anything against the actress or her portrayal, I just don't like her. I have tried all through season 8 to change that but it hasn't worked.

Remind me again why "Santa" was in this episode? All the Christmas elements really seemed like an afterthought. It's like this episode was being considered for season 8 but got tossed, then someone found it, added some Christmas stuff to it and called it a day.

OK I'll say it, I absolutely loved the Headcrabs. They were perhaps my favorite villain of the entire season... Maybe the entire show! I'm having trouble putting it into words as to why I like them so much. Maybe because it's the kind of thing I could actually see existing. Think about it, if they did exist how would you know about it? People die in their sleep all the time, what if they were a cause? It's perhaps the monsters that are somewhat realistic that I find the most scary. And I mean, as far as getting killed goes; not much of a nicer way to have it happen.

Oh yeah, Danny is back. sort of... I really liked the Danny Pink character and was super excited to see him again, even if only in dream form.

When I saw old Clara; I'll be honest and say my first reaction was "oooh maybe she'll die and we can move on!" Well that didn't happen but I did find the scene pretty cute. It reminded me of last years special with the quite elderly 11th doctor and young Clara. I wonder if these crackers had jokes?

That guy who got killed by the crab zombie things? The 2nd doctor's son!

All the other guest stars performed amazingly. A lot of people would like some to come back as companions, and while I think that's just a bit unrealistic, I admit it would be pretty cool!

That one part when the doctor cleared Clara's mind by insulting Danny did make me a tad angry, I mean I know he's supposed to be grouchy but that just goes too far. But then I was reminded, as far as the doctor knew; Danny was alive and well! I think they both got over the mutual lies a bit too quickly but it did keep things moving.


Quite honestly, I enjoyed this episode! It's the only episode of the season that (for me at least) has any real rewatch value. It had a happy ending and a story without any of Moffatt's recent scientific liberties he seems to be taking more and more frequently. Yes I'm sad that Clara didn't leave but it was a good enough episode that I'm willing to forgive that. I keep forgetting that this was supposed to be a Christmas special as it truly seemed to be an afterthought. I would watch this episode again and recommend it. It gets a 4/5 from me.

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