Friday, February 6, 2015

Supernatural Review: Season 10 Episode 12 "About A Boy"

By: Adam Glass

If you have not yet seen this episode, please go and do so before proceeding.

         So it looks like Rowena and her ilk are officially part of the Big Bad for this season. I'm so glad we're going with witches instead of JUST angels and demons this time. Makes things more interesting.

         And 'interesting' is definitely a good way to describe this episode. Dean got turned into a teenager (which meant we saw the wonderful return of Dylan Everett) and we learned that the Grand Coven of witches is after Rowena for something. Oh...and we met Hansel from the Hansel and Gretel stories. Pity he wasn't played by Jeremy Renner, but I guess we can't have everything.

Favorite Moments & Random Thoughts:

- WHAT happened to that guy in the pre-credits scene?!

- Loved, loved the fact that we are now getting more of the mythology concerning Cain. I wasn't a huge fan of the way they dealt with that last season because of the fact that messed with a story that didn't need to be changed, but I think another part of the problem was the lack of info we were given. It just felt like it was stapled in there.

- Sammy finally has a tablet. Did Charlie buy that for him or did Dean?

- "You smelled flowers? What kind of flowers?" "FLOWERY flowers!" 

- Their expressions whenever the homeless guy started going off about alien abductions! Haha! (Wonder if he was just crazy or if Gabriel had payed a visit to this place...)

- It's so great to see Dean getting back in the saddle, trying to believe in himself, and flirting with girls again. Sam gives good pep talks.

- "My dad was always working so I came up with about a hundred and fifty different ways of making macaroni and cheese. Add ketchup for spice. Tuna, hotdogs, fluff marshmallow mix. My brother thought it was exotic." Awwwww...

- I like that woman Dean meets in the bar. Tina, her name was, and I think that the partnership she strikes up with Dean is just too perfect. Wish she had stuck around at the end of the episode, to be honest.

- "...and, quote, the guy's bathroom was like staring into the Devil's butt." "Wow. That's vivid." "And accurate. I saw it." "Saw what, the bathroom or...?" "Don't start."

- Tina and Dean bonding over drinks and childhood stories is actually quite cute. I like her.

- Now I'm going to take a moment or two to squee over Dylan Everett, the kid they found to play young!Dean (hereafter referred to Deano because it's easier to type). THIS IS KID AWESOME! He impressed me quite a bit in Season 9's Bad Boys and he's only gotten better with time. Perfectly mimicking the mannerisms of Jensen Ackles and yet making the performance his own, it's almost like we're back with Season 1 Dean again. Wow. Just wow. Can we have him and Colin Ford in an episode together?

- I also love how Dean's reaction to being de-aged is just to roll his eyes and utter an incredulous "Seriously?!"

- Tween Tina called Deano a 1 Direction reject...

- Oooo...Sammy's getting all protective and angry in his search for Dean. Stuff is going to hit the fan. Sam's on the warpath.

- Still can't believe Deano was pigging out on that cake. Dude, don't you know that if there's nice cake like that in a cell, maybe you shouldn't be eating it? Or touching it? Or interacting with it in any way???

- "You know, before I thought you were just another drunk." "I prefer functioning alcoholic." No, Dean. Bad Dean!

- Have I mentioned that I love Tina? She really worked well with the brothers and I really hope she comes back at some point.

- For a moment I thought that SAM would get caught by the weird witch-y guy and I got rather excited because seeing Colin Ford as young!Sam is always a treat. Regrettably, this did not happen.

- Or not so regrettably, seeing how we saw Sam get to be the big brother for once...or the father figure, seeing how everybody assumed that Deano was his kid. He just looked SO nonplussed whenever Deano walked in through the door and started demanding whether or not they had any grenades left.

- "...I wake up looking like Bieber." "...this is bizarre, even for us, Dean!"

- I probably laughed harder than I should have whenever Dean jacked the seat forward so he could drive and Sam was immediately folded into an accordion.

- It was also hilarious that Dean accidentally started jamming to a Taylor Swift song. I wonder which one...?

- Yarrow is a flower that is used in a ton of spells and folklore. Witchy. So Sam and Dean are going to 'gank' Sabrina...does this mean they've been carrying chicken's feet around in the trunk of Baby all this time?

- I also love the way that Deano doesn't have the Mark and now they have to deal with the question of whether or not to risk changing him back.

- Sam doesn't waste the opportunity to have a field day at Deano's expense, though.

- Was it really Hansel and Gretel? Really? Interesting! (On a side note, I think my one complaint with this episode is that Hansel cracked and started telling his story far too early. It just felt off...even though he was lying.)

- The witch of this episode was a delightfully stereotypical, cackling, nasty witch. No Desperate Housewives just dabbling in witchcraft for personal gain here. This witch is the full-on, child-eating, bodily-fluid-spewing type that you read about in Grimm's Fairytales. Great stuff!

- Even thought her teeth are absolutely foul.

- I never knew how much I needed a witch ragging on about Amber Alerts and Milk Cartons until now. !

- So Dean burnt the witch to death, just like in the story. She had quite the over-the-top death scene, did she not?

- "This is my second chance. Everyone wants a second chance, right?" We'll miss you, Tina.

- Love how Dean thinks that The Grand Coven sounds like an 80's Hair Metal band with enough eye shadow and hairspray to be flammable.

           This episode was just a riot. I almost died whenever, at the end, Dean drove away jamming to 'Shake It Off'. Hahaha! It's also always great whenever we get a look back into the younger days of our two heroes, whether it be by flashback or - today - deaging and reminiscing. This episode was a fun romp that beautifully progressed both of the arcs for this season. I really, really enjoyed it. It was funny, it was touching, it has some great action...pretty much everything about it was great. Maybe the pacing was a little bit off in a place or two, but for the most part it flowed beautifully. About A Boy is a 4/5.

What did you think? Do you agree with my rating? If not - what would you say differently?

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