Amy and Rory Williams...The Last Centurion and The Girl Who Waited. It doesn't matter what name you call them by, the fact still remains that they live one of the most epic and touching love stories ever to be put on television. So I took a poll from my readers and fellow Whovians asking them to describe and list their favorite Amy/Rory moments. The results are in. We have our list.
10: Fell From The Sky - Day of the Moon
Personally I am not a fan of the way Moffat kept on teasing the Rory/Amy/Doctor love triangle. That was okay for the first series they ran together...but it quickly got old and cast a negative light on Amy's character. Not to mention the fact that in order for the red herrings to work again and again the writing had to become more and more full of 'convenient coincidences' that really took away from the credibility of the characters. But that is neither here nor there as this is not my list but a list created by fellow fans. Fellow fans who seem to enjoy Amy's misleading monologue and the realization that she was praising and pleading with Rory the entire time. The scene goes like this: Amy has been captured by the Silents, leaving behind only her hand recorder. Somehow everything she is saying while in captivity broadcasts itself back to that recorder and to the ears of Rory who thinks he hears Amy begging The Doctor, the one she's always loved, to come save her. Really, Amy later claims, she was talking about Rory with ' fell from the sky...' being merely a metaphor for...something.
9: The Ponds & Baby Melody - A Good Man Goes To War
I was ill-prepared for this very tumultuous episode. It goes from epic to triumphant to heat-warming to horrific to tearjerker...within the last fifteen minutes or so. The rest is all build-up to the battle of Demon's Run and the story itself doesn't really begin to shine until the battle is 'won' and the child 'recovered'. I've always felt rather bad for Rory, given that he doesn't even get to hold his beloved daughter before she is torn from him and raised as a weapon. The child he holds so tenderly isn't his child...she's a flesh avatar. The consolation is that at least baby Melody had a few more hours in the arms of someone who loves her before she awoke to the nightmare that was to be her life. If I'm being entirely honest, I choke up a bit while I'm watching Amy and Rory crying with joy and clinging to their family unit. It's such a sad, beautiful scene.
8: The Lone Centurion - The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang
For this one I am not just looking at the 2,000 years that Rory waited for Amy to awaken, though that museum monologue will always put chills down my spine, but at the dreadful, emotional moments where Amy tearfully takes auton!Rory in her arms and tries desperately to help him hold on to his humanity. Rory's feats as The Lone Centurion are impressive and amazing, yes, but he wouldn't have been there to do that great deed were it not for Amy's love and persistence. I always point to this one whenever people start ragging to me about how one-sided Amy and Rory's relationship is...about how he loves her WAY more than she appreciates him. Uh-huh. With all due respect to you if you happen to subscribe to that theory, let me remind you that all marriages are a two-way street. Even in TVLand they just don't work out properly or happily if one person is taking out more than they put in. And Amy and Rory are happy - not because he's a milksop who takes all of her nonsense lying down, but because she works just as hard as he does and cherishes their bond just as much. She is just less openly demonstrative than he is and so she displays her love and affection in a very different sort of way. But it's there - it's right out there in the open if you are willing to look. Amy and Rory work together to keep their balanced, mutually respectful and loving relationship going.
7: Girl Talk With Amy & Amy - The Girl Who Waited
I could just name this entire episode as one big, long highlight for Amy and Rory...but for the sake of your time and my sanity I have tried to extract the best moments from it. And for this particular entry I choose the scene where old!Amy and Amy talk with each other about Rory, reminiscing about how there were other boys who noticed her when she was younger but Rory was always there, not pushing, not nagging, not demanding attention, but being her support and friend just when she needed it the most. Amy then talks about how sometimes you meet someone you think is cool, but then you actually talk to them and they're 'dull as a brick'. And then other times you meet people that you don't think much of...until you get to know them. And then it's like they become so beautiful. "Rory's the most beautiful man I've ever met."
6: "Where's The Doctor?" "On the Wii" - The Power Of Three
The consensus is nearly unanimous: Amy and Rory did get to raise a child...they had The Doctor hanging about their house. The Power of Three (aside from the shoddy ending) is a lovely little character episode that is both fluffy and domestic. The relationship between the Ponds and The Doctor is interesting in how it shifts. At the beginning he is the wise elder brother to Amy and a rival/vitriolic best friend to Rory - but by the end, simply by virtue of them maturing and his marrying their daughter, Amy and Rory start to treat The Doctor as though he is their son as well as their best friend. And he doesn't mind. In fact, when you think about it, if The Doctor really is just over a thousand years old, in Time Lord lifespans he's probably little more than an older teenager...
5: "How Long Can We Wait?" - Asylum of the Daleks
This is a hard episode for me to watch (and I definitely have a few bones to pick with Steven Moffat...for once about something other than emotional trauma) because, with the exception of Oswin Oswald, it just isn't written very well. It contradicts itself and contains that stupid divorce that made no sense character-wise because we didn't see the developments on screen. But that's my beef and this isn't my I'll try to stop going on and on about how much it leaves me rather peeved. What I do like is the scene where Rory asks Amy how long they can afford to wait and she tells him that they have the rest of their lives, sealing the reconciliatory gesture with a tender kiss. Whatever else you can say about him, Moffat knows how to manipulate our emotional responses!
4: "Where. Is. My. Wife?!" - A Good Man Goes To War
I personally really love the first ten minutes of this episode and about the last fifteen. The middle is just kind of 'meh' in that it's good but not stellar. Fortunately those twenty-five minutes that are stellar are extremely stellar...and have quite a bit of re-watchability to them too. By far one of my favorite Rory moments (despite the classic Moffat Amy-misleading speech that plays over it which is slightly more palatable because she's reassuring her child) is the scene where he strides into a Cybership, all cool and collected, and chews them out while The Doctor does his dirty work for him. It is a great character moment for Rory, an awesome beginning to the episode, and a wonderful moment for the Ponds as we see the depth of their devotion, loyalty, and faith in each other.
3: Touched By An Angel - The Angels Take Manhattan

2: Rory's Choice, Amy's Sacrifice - The Girl Who Waited
Okay. Confessions time! I cried and still do cry for this episode. I can't help it. Each time I swear that I'm going to make it through without bawling and each time I end up either pausing the player or diving for the tissues (sometimes both). And it takes something pretty powerful to move me in that way. I can count on one hand the different things that have actually made me shed a tear...and this episode is definitely one of them. It's emotional the whole way through, from the moment where Rory realizes that Amy was trapped for YEARS without him and his whole being crumples to the way Amy picks up her old tube of lipstick and for the first time in years puts some on because she wants to feel beautiful for Rory. But the real waterworks for me don't start until the ending where The Doctor, knowing that the TARDIS cannot sustain a paradox for long, tricks the older Amy and slams the door in her face. He then tells an angry Rory that he will have to choose between the Amys as both cannot come with them. Rory is in agony over this decision...he loves his wife so much that he doesn't agree that making it so old!Amy never existed is different than outright killing her. In the end, Amy herself takes the burden off of Rory's shoulders and tells him to go and live the life with her younger self. Stepping back from the TARDIS doors, Amy makes the choice for him and gives her younger self all of the lost days with him. Then Amy turns to the advancing handbots, asks to see the Earth for the last time, and spends her last moment remembering precious, secret moments she shared with her beloved husband. And...I think I'm crying again.
1: "Together...or not at all." - The Angels Take Manhattan
Within hours of my sending out a poll to my various sources I knew that this moment was going to be the number one because all of the first respondents mentioned it in some form. And I can totally see why, given that the Ponds decide that they're going to go out together or not at all rather than taking the easy way out. It is an emotional scene with Rory trying to save Amy by jumping but needing her help to take that final step and Amy being unwilling to push Rory off that ledge, even though she knows he will probably come back because of the paradox they are trying to create. Even that stupid Statue of Liberty Angel fiasco leering in the background can't ruin the power of it. When at last Amy climbs up onto the ledge with Rory and they jump together, clinging tight to the other, I'll admit that I squeaked out a pained "NO!" at the screen as it happened. Amy and Rory: devoted to each other completely no matter what.
So there's my list of the Top Ten Amy/Rory Moments. I just want to thank everyone who participated in the poll that created this list (you know who you are) as it really helped me to narrow down the moments and rank them (something I have trouble doing without bias). So thank you, thank you, thank you! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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