Okay, so admit
it. We ALL have our favourite BBC Sherlock moments. That is why I
have decided, after re-watching this show for the millionth time, to
compile these lists of some of the best, most light-hearted, and most awesome
scenes between our two boys. From A Study In Pink to, yes, His Last Vow. Who can forget Donovan’s customary greeting of
“Freak” or the deer-stalking death frisbee? So before I
start rambling on and on, let’s get down to business!
10. All the
"Wrong" things to say...
So here we are,
sitting in the conference room watching a very harassed Detective
Inspector Lestrade and Detective Sergeant Sally Donovan trying to
answer (more like control) a bunch of idiotic journalists. The reason
why they are doing this is because there have been a string of
suicides that that have been happening and people need to be warned. While Lestrade
and Donovan are busy lecturing the crowd, (and unintentionally
ticking some people off at the same time - I think they’ve been
hanging around Sherlock too much...) all of the journalist's cell
phones go off And all of them say only one
thing - "Wrong!". The faces of those media folk are brilliant!
The little notes
that pop up everywhere are an added awesome bonus; not a boring smart
phone screen in sight! Then when Greg says that all the deaths are
linked, everyone’s phones go berserk for a second time, (Geez what
must this texters airtime bills come to at the end of the month?!)
all saying the same thing. It takes a few seconds but then; guess
what, Lestrade gets one too! All it says is simply: "You know
where to find me. SH" Three guesses as to who he is..? Oh,
and Lestrade’s face? Like a mixture of a teenager rolling his eyes and an exasperated father sighing. Priceless!!!
9. The
Introduction of Sherlock Holmes

So, at 221B Baker Street, with John, Mrs Hudson, and DI Lestrade, we get told that there has been a fourth murder, and a note has been left at the crime scene, just like all the others hadn’t. Lestrade gives Sherlock a briefing, talks about Anderson for a tiny bit, and then leaves. (I like Lestrade's coat too..) Sherlock, now completely caught up in the moment does a very un-Sherlock-y thing, and goes through a series of movements I cannot describe... it looks like he leaps into the air and clenches his fists triumphantly before twirling around the room happily. Look, here’s a gif to help you picture it...
He does all those movements, all the while saying: ‘Brilliant! Yes! Ah, four serial suicides, and now a note! Oh, it’s Christmas!’
The Cab Ride of Coolness.
Ah, the time has
come for the awkward-as-anything taxi ride of smug looks and shock! We
begin with them both jumping in the cab (duh) and carry on with John
semi-staring out the window, but occasionally stealing nervous looks
at Sherlock. (Who is ignoring the whole of time and space and
completely engrossed in his BlackBerry. What could be
keeping his attention for that long anyway?) Sherlock finally
comes back from BlackBerry Land with a simple: ‘Okay,
you’ve got questions.’ Now it’s time for a game of Stupid-Questions-And-Brusque-Answers. Until we finally get to awesome Sherlock, with his deductive brilliantness, who rattles off the past ten years of John’s life in as many seconds. Poor John, being told his whole life in ten seconds, by some scrawny, lanky pompous bloke he had only met for twenty seconds before and about a minute more, now.
6. Who’s
The Creepy Bloke Leaning On An Umbrella?
so, creepy phone calls from (sadly, not blue) phone boxes, and trying
to keep a really awkward conversation going with
Square-Eyes-Not!Anthea going done and dusted, our dear war hero has now been driven to some drippy underground parking lot
with some creepy bloke leaning on an umbrella. Who uses
umbrellas for something other than the rain in this day and age
anyway?! John hobbles over to the bloke, and a very, very weird
conversation ensues. Both of these guys are VERY sarcastic, with
CreepyUmbrellaBloke’s: (We’ll call him Mycroft, easier to type)
and since yesterday you’ve moved in with him and now you’re
solving crimes together. Might we expect a happy announcement by the
end of the week?’ to
Mycroft saying that Sherlock does love to be dramatic, and John
replying: ‘Well,
thank God
all that.’
I could honestly watch those two throw snarky comments at each other
for the rest of my life!
Whatever You Do, DO NOT Try To Flirt With The BlackBerry Lady!
Mycroft! (thank GOD) Hello
Miss-Nothing-Exists-Except-My-Phone, nice to meet you. And your
phone. You two should get married. Mycroft’s umbrella can be the
bridesmaid! So she tells John she’s taking him home. They have a
stop or two (glad John is rid of that grotty place. If he is anything
like me (which he is, actually) than I know how staying there
must have felt. Cramped, boring and depressing. Awkward Ride The Second
ensues, and only when they arrive at 221B, does John ask Not!Anthea if she gets any free time. She replies
(sarcastically) that she does, and lots, and implies that John should
bugger off. John, of course, as oblivious as Sherlock looks at
her expectantly, but she just looks over John’s shoulder at 221B
and says ‘Bye.’ John says okay in a really dejected way and watches the car
pull away, and then knocks on the front of 221B’s door.
Dynamic Duo is now walking (and limping) epically down the road.
They’re off to Northumberland Street, to catch a murderer. Just a
normal... uh... date? They continue on down the road, discussing the
murderer. Sherlock thinks the murderer is brilliant, John thinks
Sherlock is mad. John's confusion is what leads to THIS
line...this line of epic proportions: "That's the frailty of
genius, John. It needs an audience." John's answer is simply a heavily implied "Yeah" in
Sherlock's general direction.
Now here is a good one! Bestest Friendly Friend talk always gets ya
warm and fuzzy, doesn’t it? Well, not our awesome Great Detective,
apparently. How brilliant. Oh well, at least John isn’t so
Vulcan... Sherlock is now pretty much high
on three nicotine patches and I have now reverted from saying: ‘It’s a
three pipe problem’ to ‘It’s a three patch problem.’
Is that so bad of me...? Anyway, John the disturbed dude is now
texting a serial killer (just a normal day’s work, isn’t it?) and
the talk of Frenemies come up! Sherlock is more relaxed when talking
about his enemies (possibly blokes who might kill him) than about
friends. The guy has a bit of a problem, I think...
Superego Holmes.

Le Bloody Brilliant Drugs Bust!
thing: Greg Freaking Lestrade! How does he look so relaxed
and awesome? I mean Sherlock blustering like: ‘What are
you lot doing in MY flat?!’ and Lestrade is like: ‘Oh...’
*gestures airily over his shoulder* ‘A drugs bust. Have you got any
tea?’ Anderson makes his presence known with this dumb little
wave, and Donovan pulls some eyeballs out the microwave. That’s
fun. Not. Sherlock then manages to work out the case and the
murderer, all while almost murdering them when they touch his things,
and epic slow-mo and awesome voice overs. And AWESOME
one-liners like: ‘Oh, look at you lot. You’re all so vacant.
Is it nice not being me? It must be so relaxing’
and ‘Shut up, everybody, shut up! Don’t move, don’t speak,
don’t breathe. I’m trying to think. Anderson, face the other way.
You’re putting me off’ and of course, the fan favourite that
has been used countless times: ‘I’m not a psychopath,
Anderson. I’m a highfunctioning sociopath. Do your research.’
Awww, Sherly Needs A Blanky!
we are. Moment 10. *sniffles* This was so much fun! Anyway, before I
start bawling, lets finish it, ‘eh? Sherlock The Traumatised is
sitting on an ambulance having just witnessed a murder. The Ambulance blokes
keep putting this orange blanket on him (orange is SO not his
colour!) and he keeps taking it off. Lestrade comes and interrogates
him and he gives a deduced description of the shooter. He putters
along at great speed, describing the fella, but peters out when he
works out who it is. I have never, ever, ever seen such understanding
dawn in someone’s eyes (how DID Ben do it so well?!) and John
looking so innocent is adorable. I wanna hug him. Like, RIGHT now.
Anyways, once Sherly and his Blanky work out who the shooter was, he
abruptly stops and shuts Lestrade down, saying he needs to discuss
rent and: ‘Oh, what now? I’m in shock! Look, I’ve got
a blanket!’ and he brandishes the blanket at Lestrade. He then
talks to John a bit, about gunpowder and giggling at crime scenes,
then takes the blanket off and discards it in a police car, leaving
the poor Blanky heartbroken forever more.
there you go. It’s done. That is a shocker. Didn’t think I’d
get it done so quickly. Anyways, thank you to all of you that have
read this, I really hoped you enjoyed my wry sense of humour and
weird turn of phrase. This has been the most fun I have had in
YEARS. Anyway, see you at 221B, for the next installment of my Top 10
Moments, I might possibly also be in the TARDIS. *becomes all
mysterious with my collar and cheekbones* We shall see. I now leave you with one last parting shot...
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