By: Robbie Thompson
If you have not yet watched this episode, please go and do so before proceeding.

I think it's going to be one of those fun, safe episodes that I return to time and time again to watch whenever I'm not in the mood for heavy soul-searching. It was strange and interesting...but didn't exactly blow me away. I really don't know what to make of it...
Favorite Moments & Random Thoughts:
- LOVED the homage to Masterpiece Theatre. Very...Crowley-ish. I was actually surprised to see Metatron instead of the King of Hell. It was funny that he got his own, personalized credits, though. Guess that makes sense if he feels he is the hero in some grand epic of his own making.

- To be quite honest, I'm getting a bit tired of the angel politics sub-plots. Angels walking on earth could have been interesting...but it's turning into a rehash of Season Six's civil war. Fortunately this episode wasn't quite as bad as Captives in that regard, but we really do need something new.
- It was nice to see Gadreel stretch his wings (hehe) a bit as a character. He was really rocking that whole Sith-cloak hoodie, wasn't he?
- "I dropped, I hid, I finally watched Downton Abbey." Oh I do miss you! You called Castiel Columbo. I approve of that comparison...
- I would have LOVED to see Dean's reaction to Gabriel grabbing Cas' phone! I know it wasn't real and all that, but still...
- I will confess that I started laughing a bit whenever Gabriel was giving Cas the 'farewell speech/pep talk' in the convenience store with the demons amassing outside. It's like "Um...guys? You may want to start running? Stop chewing the fat and run? Like NOW?!"
- Metatron is making Sherlock Holmes references now. Interesting...
- The whole Media Download Thing-y he gave Castiel was very interesting (and looked like it hurt). Does this mean that Castiel will get all of Dean's references now?

- Gadreel should have run faster or risked the holy fire. Now he has an angry Dean Winchester in full protective big brother mode working him over. I wonder if Dean pulled out any of Alistair's tricks?
- I am also feeling rather vindicated that my theories about Gadreel are turning out to be right. He isn't a bad guy. He's a bit misled and all that (he thinks letting the snake into the Garden of Eden was setting humanity free) and is desperate to get back into Heaven's good graces, but he isn't evil like Zachariah or Metatron. He really had intended to just heal Sam at first and then go on his way. It's all Metatron's fault, really.
- And speaking of Metatron...the former Scribe of God has officially taken his train to the funny farm and gone off the rails. Remember whenever Castiel tried to play God? Remember how that turned out? Well poor Cas had the excuse of being naive and meaning well and being manipulated by Leviathan. Metatron doesn't. He's loony...but it's scary loony because he's also smart. Like Moriarty minus all the flirting...

- Not that I'm trying to imply that Dean is anything less. No, the whole point of that long soapbox rant was to say that the brothers are equals when it comes to devotion and they should be treated as such.
- So Castiel's stolen grace is beginning to wear thin. Huh. I've been waiting for the other shoe to drop with that whole affair (it just seemed too easy a fix for this show) and I'm anxious to see how this all will play out. Is it going to come back in the season finale? Or will it be dealt with sooner? We're up to Episode 18, so there aren't all that many left...
All in all, I think this was a good episode. I said I didn't know what to make of it, but I can say that I enjoyed it very much. It wasn't a drag to get through, the pacing and action moved along nicely, the humour was there as well as the dark tension, and it gave us a few missing pieces to the season story arc that were missing before. Maybe a 4/5?
What did you think? Do you agree with my rating? If not -
what would you say differently?
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