Sunday, September 14, 2014

Cabin Pressure Review: Season 1 Episode 1 "Abu Dahbi"

(Bing bong)
Hello there, ladies and gentlemen. This is Jess, your slightly mad blogger here. Please do enjoy another experiment I am experimenting on. Its a radio series done by the BBC, - expect feels - and one of the only sources of happiness I am finding in my life right now. No, I'm kidding. I'm completely happy, but this makes me... happier. So, ladies and gents, hold onto your hats, - they're paramount y'know - dodge the occasional spoiler, and read on!

This post, Abu Dhabi!

-Right, so, I have just come across this by reading Benedict Cumberbatch's biography. Weird, huh? So, I went and researched it and found one of the BEST radio comedy series' I've ever heard. Come to think of it... the only one I've ever heard. But, no matter, its still awesome.

-Isn't this cast enough..? 

Going from left to right we have: John Finnemore - the creator - as Arthur, Roger Allam as First Officer Douglas Richardson, Stephanie Cole as Carolyn Knapp-Shappey (Arthur's mum) and finally, if you don't know who he is, please crawl out from the rock you've been living under, and simply go online. Yes, it is the awesome Benedict Cumberbatch as Captain Martin Crieff!

-We start out with Douglas saying this:

And it only gets better from there! And it turns out that this is a cargo flight for them, so.... Douglas is talking to a whole bunch of boxes. And a box-head.

-Douglas and Martin fly the plane in the 'pointy-end' as they like to call it, and make up all sorts of games, because, apparently, flying an airplane must be sooooo boring. This episode they're busy playing Brians of Britain. Yeeeeeaaaaaah. They go all the way from Brian Blessed to Bob Holniss. Do. Not. Ask.

-The amount of sarcasm in this series is hilarious in itself. Its also what partly caught my attention, having become fluent in the language of Sarcasm, thanks to hanging around one Miss Emily Ecrivaine for a year now. See? A conversation between Martin and Arthur: ARTHUR: Skipper, are you sure there’s not enough fuel to wait? ’Cause there’s always a little bit left when the gauge shows red. MARTIN: Yes, oddly enough, Arthur, a jet aircraft isn’t as precisely similar to a Vauxhall Corsa as a stupid person might imagine.

-So, Fitton has a closure, so Martin decides to divert to Briston. The rest of the motley crew of two try to stop him. Douglas even goes as far as lighting a match and saying...:

-So Carolyn gets mad at them for diverting, and makes fly 'Scrooge McDuck Air' as Douglas calls it.

-Carolyn's dog is named 'Snoopadoop'.

-Carolyn told them earlier on that 'some oil exec has moved out there and we’re bringing him everything he owns: furniture, clothes, carpets, cat, the lot' and Martin keeps on being ribbed for leaving the thermostat on in the cargo hold. Ah, the joys of the workplace...

-Arthur cooks their food for them. He creates... um... something called Surprising Rice and the Orange Platter. They send him away, fearing food poison from it, and he comes back with biscuits and strepsils. Charmant.

-Until they realise they have to keep the thermostat on in the cargo hold because of the cat. The thermostat that's on the outside of the plane. And they're in the air...

"Is it three hours and twenty-eight seconds, or is that a weasel in a submarine?"

-MARTIN: If we … if we did carry on and the cat didn’t make it, d’you think they’d be able to tell how it died?
DOUGLAS: Again, I fear you flatter my knowledge of cat pathology.
MARTIN: I don’t see how they could. I mean, it’s not as if it’s gonna freeze into a block of ice, is it?
DOUGLAS: Not unless it’s a cartoon cat, no.
MARTIN: I mean, it’s not as if the Cat CSI’s gonna descend on us.
DOUGLAS: I wouldn’t have thought so. They’re so busy these days.

-Martin decides he can't divert, because Carolyn'd hunt him down with knives, but equally he couldn't kill the clients cat because that would mean more knives.

-Pretty much the last thing we hear is Douglas striking a match... DOUGLAS: I do believe I can smell smoke in the flight deck. Can you smell smoke in the flight deck, Captain? MARTIN: Yes. Yes, I can, Douglas. 

So, there you have it. The total review for Cabin Pressure, Season 1, Episode 1! I hope you enjoyed, and thank you for reading Jess' Blog Posts! Do come again soon. One last thing...

Quotes come from Ariane Devere on

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