By: Ron Milbauer, Terri Hughes Burton, Eric Kripke
If you have not yet watched this episode, please go and do so before proceeding.
Why would anyone ever say 'Bloody Mary' in front of a bathroom mirror?! It doesn't matter if you believe she was a witch burnt in the Salem Trials or the firstborn daughter of King Henry the VIII out for revenge...she's going to get you (and maybe fry your eyeballs while she's at it).
So story goes that many years ago a woman named Mary was killed. No one really knows who she was (popular theories include Queen Mary I of England, a Mary who died in the Salem Witch trials, or a girl who was murdered by her cheating fiancé) but it doesn't matter because what we do know is that she had haunted reflections ever since. If you go into a room and say 'Bloody Mary' three times in front of the mirror, Mary will come and scratch out your eyes as revenge for her death. Lovely, eh?
Favorite Moments & Random Thoughts:

- Conversely...what an awful way to end a sleepover party! Those poor girls!

- Dean probably should have thought that lie through before spouting it off. If they really were med students then they would have made an appointment with the doctor and known his schedule. No wonder that fellow was suspicious!
- Sam had the right idea, though. He just bribed the guy. The look on Dean's face...
- I can't believe that Charlie's friend had the gall to try 'Bloody Mary' in the bathroom, just to prove a point. I'm not superstitious by any stretch of the imagination...but if my father had just died with these circumstances surrounding him, I would be cautious.
- One thing Supernatural does really well is to play around with mythology. They are very tongue-in-cheek and irreverent, but they do treat the big issues with respect and a sense of humor. This show is the most bizarre mix of dark hilarity horror that I have ever seen. There's just nothing like it. Bloody Mary is a prime example of it as it changes the legend so that she only goes after people who have a terrible secret that they've hidden from everyone (hence why she went after the dad and not the daughter), but instead of weakening the story by making it feel contrived, the way things are written just keep things fresh and exciting rather than annoying.
- All of those bloody hand-prints on the back of the mirrors were a nice touch.
- The moment when you realise that your reflection is literally everywhere in this age of chrome and glass is exceptionally chilling. It's not just enough to avoid have to go live in a dirt cave if you want to escape Bloody Mary's pursuit.
- And now the boys have personal stakes in this whole affair because they promised Charlie that they would protect her (or, rather, Sam promised and then gave Dean the sad puppy-dog eyes until his brother agreed).
- Dean smarting off to the cops is always hilarious. I like his sense of humour...
- It really freaked me out the way that Mary took over Sam's reflection like that. The smile on 'his' face was rather creepy and the tears of blood reminded me of all of those 'weeping' statue legends that are scattered around the world.
- Awww! Dean called Sam 'Sammy'. It's always really touching and adorable whenever 'tough smart-mouth' Dean goes all uberprotective!brother on Sam.
- Mary crawling out of her mirror like that is a direct reference to The Ring, I'm pretty sure.
- Why are ghosts and goblins always portrayed with hair teased to the max and flopped over their eyes? I know that it makes them look otherworldly in a really creepy sort of way, but why? Personally I'd be more scared of a ghost that can definitely see me and follow my every move. But maybe it's just invoking Rule #123: If you can't see its eyes...RUN!
- I honestly thought that breaking all of those mirrors would fix the problem. I was wrong.
- Did we ever get an answer as to why Dean was bleeding from the eyes too? I mean - we know he's killed people (things) but wasn't Mary's requirement that you feel guilty about whoever you killed? I'm pretty sure Dean doesn't feel guilty about beheading vampires or burning ghosts...
- They killed Mary by turning the mirror back on her. This could have been a massive anti-climax (because there isn't much action involved in holding up a mirror and waiting for the ghost to dissolve), but because of the music and the acting and the angles it worked really well. The tension only tightened as the seconds ticked by and it was a real innovative and believable way to deal with this particular spook. Kudos to the writers.
- One thing Supernatural does really well is to play around with mythology. They are very tongue-in-cheek and irreverent, but they do treat the big issues with respect and a sense of humor. This show is the most bizarre mix of dark hilarity horror that I have ever seen. There's just nothing like it. Bloody Mary is a prime example of it as it changes the legend so that she only goes after people who have a terrible secret that they've hidden from everyone (hence why she went after the dad and not the daughter), but instead of weakening the story by making it feel contrived, the way things are written just keep things fresh and exciting rather than annoying.
- All of those bloody hand-prints on the back of the mirrors were a nice touch.
- The moment when you realise that your reflection is literally everywhere in this age of chrome and glass is exceptionally chilling. It's not just enough to avoid have to go live in a dirt cave if you want to escape Bloody Mary's pursuit.
- And now the boys have personal stakes in this whole affair because they promised Charlie that they would protect her (or, rather, Sam promised and then gave Dean the sad puppy-dog eyes until his brother agreed).
- Dean smarting off to the cops is always hilarious. I like his sense of humour...
- It really freaked me out the way that Mary took over Sam's reflection like that. The smile on 'his' face was rather creepy and the tears of blood reminded me of all of those 'weeping' statue legends that are scattered around the world.
- Awww! Dean called Sam 'Sammy'. It's always really touching and adorable whenever 'tough smart-mouth' Dean goes all uberprotective!brother on Sam.

- Why are ghosts and goblins always portrayed with hair teased to the max and flopped over their eyes? I know that it makes them look otherworldly in a really creepy sort of way, but why? Personally I'd be more scared of a ghost that can definitely see me and follow my every move. But maybe it's just invoking Rule #123: If you can't see its eyes...RUN!
- I honestly thought that breaking all of those mirrors would fix the problem. I was wrong.
- Did we ever get an answer as to why Dean was bleeding from the eyes too? I mean - we know he's killed people (things) but wasn't Mary's requirement that you feel guilty about whoever you killed? I'm pretty sure Dean doesn't feel guilty about beheading vampires or burning ghosts...
- They killed Mary by turning the mirror back on her. This could have been a massive anti-climax (because there isn't much action involved in holding up a mirror and waiting for the ghost to dissolve), but because of the music and the acting and the angles it worked really well. The tension only tightened as the seconds ticked by and it was a real innovative and believable way to deal with this particular spook. Kudos to the writers.
- And suddenly the whole show makes sense!
This episode was dark and innovative and a bit scary. There were funny moments (usually involving Sam rolling his eyes over Dean) and plenty of dark irony at the end when the brothers survey the room full of broken mirrors glumly. Charlie (the hot blond of the week) survived the episode and didn't hook up with either of the brothers. Bloody Mary was certainly creepier in concept than any of the episodes we've seen yet in this season and was both solidly written and executed. 5/5
What did you think? Do you agree with my rating? If not -
what would you say differently?
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