By: Eric Charmelo & Nicole Snyder
If you have not yet watched this episode, please go and do so before proceeding.
Talk about taking a drop down the proverbial rabbit hole! I was so confused whenever this episode started out! Ellen and Jo are alive?! Since WHEN?!!?
I actually started panicking and grabbed my laptop to double-check an episodes list to make sure I hadn't missed some giant development. I mean - who made the deal to bring them back? Was it Dean? Sam? Bobby? Cas?
Wait, wait, wait...Bobby and Ellen are living together? No - THEY'RE MARRIED?! When did that happen?

I started getting really nervous, thinking that either I and the rest of the world had missed a development or two on the show or that the writers were going to have to release a set of lost episodes explaining how on earth Ellen and Jo got out of Heaven and ended up part of the Singer family.
Favorite Moments & Random Thoughts:
-Decapitated by your garage door. Urgh...that's just nasty! Has Supernatural ever won an award for the sheer amount of different creative ways that they kill people off? In Mystery Spot alone Dean died at least eighteen different ways. That's gotta be some kind of record!
- Sam and Dean trying to decide who's going to talk to Bobby might just be the cutest thing ever. Did Sam seriously lose a game of Rock-Paper-Scissors to Dean?!
- It's also hilarious that Bobby knows they have been having eye-gossip about him and proceeds to chew them out about it. They deserved it. If not for this than for something else that Bobby neglected to scold them for.
- "Accidents don't just happen know what I mean!" Oh Dean.
- That attorney is a self-centered, snot-nosed, blood-pressure-spiking jerk. I'm surprised they didn't crack more lawyer jokes, to be honest!
- I wonder if Dean's extreme lack of subtlety whilst talking to the lawyer was a side-effect of the clear alternate universe this week's episode is taking place in? It's also interesting how he and Sam are actually staying in a fairly nice and clean motel room this time. Another side-effect?
- Strangled by your copy machine? Okay...that's it! I am NEVER going near one of those things ever again! By the time I'm done with this show, Supernatural is going to leave me as a paranoid, jittery mess. I'm already scared of tacos, coffee creamer, and lifts. Now I'm going to be giving careful looks to the copy machines too!
- Okay. I'm totally feeling Bobby/Ellen now! They're like the perfect couple - rough and tough around the edges but devoted to the core. It's a shame we never got to see this explored in the real timeline.
- They're also about the closest thing to a real, proper mother and father Sam and Dean ever had. (John tried, but it's obvious he was out of his depth and dealing with too much crap of his own during the critical parts of his sons' growing years. And then he died.)
- I. P. Freely?!
- I love that moment when you realise that the RMS Titanic making its maiden voyage safely was the divergence point of the alternate reality. I kicked myself...saying that I should have guessed based on the episode title.
- Why did an angel go back in time and un-sink the Titanic?
Talk about taking a drop down the proverbial rabbit hole! I was so confused whenever this episode started out! Ellen and Jo are alive?! Since WHEN?!!?
I actually started panicking and grabbed my laptop to double-check an episodes list to make sure I hadn't missed some giant development. I mean - who made the deal to bring them back? Was it Dean? Sam? Bobby? Cas?
Wait, wait, wait...Bobby and Ellen are living together? No - THEY'RE MARRIED?! When did that happen?

I started getting really nervous, thinking that either I and the rest of the world had missed a development or two on the show or that the writers were going to have to release a set of lost episodes explaining how on earth Ellen and Jo got out of Heaven and ended up part of the Singer family.
Favorite Moments & Random Thoughts:
-Decapitated by your garage door. Urgh...that's just nasty! Has Supernatural ever won an award for the sheer amount of different creative ways that they kill people off? In Mystery Spot alone Dean died at least eighteen different ways. That's gotta be some kind of record!

- It's also hilarious that Bobby knows they have been having eye-gossip about him and proceeds to chew them out about it. They deserved it. If not for this than for something else that Bobby neglected to scold them for.
- "Accidents don't just happen know what I mean!" Oh Dean.
- That attorney is a self-centered, snot-nosed, blood-pressure-spiking jerk. I'm surprised they didn't crack more lawyer jokes, to be honest!
- I wonder if Dean's extreme lack of subtlety whilst talking to the lawyer was a side-effect of the clear alternate universe this week's episode is taking place in? It's also interesting how he and Sam are actually staying in a fairly nice and clean motel room this time. Another side-effect?
- Strangled by your copy machine? Okay...that's it! I am NEVER going near one of those things ever again! By the time I'm done with this show, Supernatural is going to leave me as a paranoid, jittery mess. I'm already scared of tacos, coffee creamer, and lifts. Now I'm going to be giving careful looks to the copy machines too!
- Okay. I'm totally feeling Bobby/Ellen now! They're like the perfect couple - rough and tough around the edges but devoted to the core. It's a shame we never got to see this explored in the real timeline.
- They're also about the closest thing to a real, proper mother and father Sam and Dean ever had. (John tried, but it's obvious he was out of his depth and dealing with too much crap of his own during the critical parts of his sons' growing years. And then he died.)
- I. P. Freely?!
- I love that moment when you realise that the RMS Titanic making its maiden voyage safely was the divergence point of the alternate reality. I kicked myself...saying that I should have guessed based on the episode title.
- Why did an angel go back in time and un-sink the Titanic?
- You know...I think after Gabriel, Balthazar is my favourite angel. He just has such style!
- Dean didn't know what a Chevy Impala is. I think I'm going to cry...
- You know, I'm pretty sure that they just brought Ellen and Jo back to life so that there could be some personal stakes in this all for the boys. But even if that is the case I have to admit that the emotional aspect of it all still worked.
- Dean didn't know what a Chevy Impala is. I think I'm going to cry...
- You know, I'm pretty sure that they just brought Ellen and Jo back to life so that there could be some personal stakes in this all for the boys. But even if that is the case I have to admit that the emotional aspect of it all still worked.
- The brothers tempting Fate to One Way Or Another by Blondie...priceless!
- I love the design of Atropos. She's got the no-nonsense librarian vibe going and of course the inner Greek Myth Addict in me screamed with delight whenever I realized just who the boys were going to be dealing with this week. About the time the second gold thread showed up I figured it out and I was ever so excited. I love it when Supernatural delves into world mythology and puts their unique, tongue-in-cheek spin on it.

- The dressing-down she gave Castiel and Balthazar was quite something. Those angels deserved it for messing with history like that all for the sake of a few more souls to use against Raphael.
- It's nice to see the writers exploring just what repercussions the Winchesters averting the Apocalypse created for the rest of the universe. It was quite interesting to hear Atropos ranting about how God had given her a job that was now twice as hard and confusing now that Sam and Dean sort of burnt the schedule and rule book. Thank you, show, for not just dropping and retconning resolved plot conflicts like that! If Supernatural is good at one thing it is continuity.
- Confession time: I physically cringed whenever Sam and Dean woke up to the tones of the famous titular song. Hmmm. That's one thing I wouldn't mind being Butterfly Effect-ed out of history!
Overall My Heart Will Go On was a solid episode with an interesting premise and real heart. There were some genuine laughs, a few tear-jerkers, and plenty of dark humor (like when the lawyer was taken out by the bus...I don't blame Dean for snickering). It ranks at a 4/5.
What did you think? Do you agree with my rating? If not - what would you say differently

- The dressing-down she gave Castiel and Balthazar was quite something. Those angels deserved it for messing with history like that all for the sake of a few more souls to use against Raphael.
- It's nice to see the writers exploring just what repercussions the Winchesters averting the Apocalypse created for the rest of the universe. It was quite interesting to hear Atropos ranting about how God had given her a job that was now twice as hard and confusing now that Sam and Dean sort of burnt the schedule and rule book. Thank you, show, for not just dropping and retconning resolved plot conflicts like that! If Supernatural is good at one thing it is continuity.
- Confession time: I physically cringed whenever Sam and Dean woke up to the tones of the famous titular song. Hmmm. That's one thing I wouldn't mind being Butterfly Effect-ed out of history!
Overall My Heart Will Go On was a solid episode with an interesting premise and real heart. There were some genuine laughs, a few tear-jerkers, and plenty of dark humor (like when the lawyer was taken out by the bus...I don't blame Dean for snickering). It ranks at a 4/5.
What did you think? Do you agree with my rating? If not - what would you say differently
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