By: Brad Buckner & Eugenie Ross-Leming
If you have not yet watched this episode, please go and do so before proceeding.
Ever since Dean took on the Mark of Cain, I've been waiting for the other shoe to drop. I'm still not entirely sure I buy their whole version of the Cain & Abel story (I think they took rewriting history to fit with the Winchester dynamic a bit too far, to be honest) but I know that it's Supernatural so whatever the Mark means in this crazy alternate universe, it can't be good. All I can hope is that it doesn't mess Dean up too much (Oh who am I trying to kid?) and that he doesn't ruin his relationship with Sam any further. Can we just resolve the brotherly conflict already? I thought we did this last season...the angels-stuck-on-earth plot is drama enough, folks!
Favorite Moments & Random Thoughts:

- And of course Crowley is holed up with on a bender...and indulging his addiction to blood. Isn't it a bit ironic that Sam Winchester got a demon addicted to human blood? Writing symmetry or character payback?
- Crowley is also crying over soppy black-and-white films now. Is that a side-effect of the blood or just him being his usual unpredictable self? (It was maybe we can forgive him.)
- Snooki is a crossroads demon?! I don't think I've laughed this hard since Nostalgia Critic named Kim Kardashian as the secret wife of the Devil...
- Crowley reading Little if this episode couldn't get any funnier!
- And Crowley bumped Lola off. I really should have seen that coming whenever she reported to that middle man demon instead of Abbadon herself (that was suspicious because we all know Abbadon doesn't trust anyone to gather intelligence for her) but it still surprised me when he whipped out the angel blade and did her in just like that. But did he actually show...remorse?
- One thing I should really like to know is if the First Blade really would work on Crowley. They've done the whole Angel Blades work on demons retcon (not to mention the one where the blades turned from Archangel Specialty Weapons to just something every warrior angel carries) but it was just specifically stated not ten episodes ago that the First Blade was made for the Knights of Hell. Would it work on a regular demon? And why are Sam and Dean so determined to gank Crowley anyway? He's been helpful and we know he's turning more human with every injection he gives himself, so why throw away such a valuable asset? He's the King of Hell and is currently more on their side than anyone else's (except his own)...he could be very useful!

- (Crowley to Dean) "You don't know what it's like to be human!" Oops...
- Crowley is stealing candy now? Figures.
- That professor hitting on Dean made me snicker, as did Sam's reactions. It's good to have making fun of his brother's admirers again. I've missed him doing that.
- I was sure that the professor was possessed, though, what with the way she was smirking and posturing. Surprisingly, I was wrong. I love the way this show keeps me guessing.
- Crowley's epic dressing-down of the Winchesters was much-needed. Sometimes I think we all forget that (in the Supernatural universe) the demons that the boys fight were once human souls that have been twisted and corrupted by the tortures of Hell. Yes maybe some of them were wicked people in real life, but we know that many of them weren't evil...simply lost. And considering how a wish and a kiss with a stranger is enough to earn you a one-way trip downstairs, I think the conclusion can be drawn that there are a lot of decent-enough folk rotting away in Crowley's Hell. But once they become demons, the boys simply slash their way through the ranks - killing and torturing parasite and host alike. Granted demons are evil and have to be stopped, but now they have a method to cure them. And they used it on Crowley, changing him and putting him back at the start of the path back to humanity. They got him addicted to the blood in the first place and they 'tainted' him by making him feel again. At the very least they owe him a bit of kinder treatment, though not trust.
- "...we're legacies." I just love this new Men of Letters stuff that has been added to the lore. The library and research fits Sam like a glove while the warding and weapons are right up Dean's alley. It adds a whole new level to their characters, as well as helping to fill in the depressingly death-filled Winchester-Campbell family tree.
- Magnus has vampires as guard dogs. I don't know whether to laugh or be terrified.
- Much as I don't care for the rest of the arc, that First Blade is awesome looking! It looked cool in the flashbacks and it looks even better here. I'm a little nervous about what using it is going to do to Dean, though.
- "I have to say, it has gotten lonely over the years." "When you were saying that, did any of it sound creepy as it should have?" Dean...seriously. Is that how you respond to the news that a madman is going to put you in his museum? A madman who reminds me of Henry van Statten from Doctor Who?
- I should have known that Magnus was going to double-cross them. He just gave off creepy vibes.
- Is it just me or is Crowley actually quite fond of Sam? He's always trying to get the youngest Winchester to strike up a friendly little partnership with him (his latest comment included matching tattoos) and looks genuinely offended when Sam keeps rebuffing him.
- Aw, c'mon! Magnus...if you have to torture him, at least please don't cut up Sam's face!? The poor guy's already lucky that he doesn't have scars beyond belief from all the things that have gone for the cheek, let's not add to the collection.
- Poor Dean! Here we go again with one of the brothers thinking that they're a freak!
- Abbadon is so dead...she messed with Dean's car, his baby...
This was an okay episode. It felt like one of those one-step-forward-two-steps-back type of stories and did little to further the overall arc, even if it was a fun little romp with the Crowley intervention and bromance. Hopefully this will all play into the overarching story at hand in some way that I can't see at the moment, but for now it just felt like quest-for-filler. The writing was fun as always, I'm worried about Dean and glad to see Sam sort of getting over their issues, and the episode was at least enjoyable to watch. 3/5 seems an appropriate rating.
What did you think? Do you agree with my rating? If not - what would you say differently
- I was sure that the professor was possessed, though, what with the way she was smirking and posturing. Surprisingly, I was wrong. I love the way this show keeps me guessing.
- Crowley's epic dressing-down of the Winchesters was much-needed. Sometimes I think we all forget that (in the Supernatural universe) the demons that the boys fight were once human souls that have been twisted and corrupted by the tortures of Hell. Yes maybe some of them were wicked people in real life, but we know that many of them weren't evil...simply lost. And considering how a wish and a kiss with a stranger is enough to earn you a one-way trip downstairs, I think the conclusion can be drawn that there are a lot of decent-enough folk rotting away in Crowley's Hell. But once they become demons, the boys simply slash their way through the ranks - killing and torturing parasite and host alike. Granted demons are evil and have to be stopped, but now they have a method to cure them. And they used it on Crowley, changing him and putting him back at the start of the path back to humanity. They got him addicted to the blood in the first place and they 'tainted' him by making him feel again. At the very least they owe him a bit of kinder treatment, though not trust.
- "...we're legacies." I just love this new Men of Letters stuff that has been added to the lore. The library and research fits Sam like a glove while the warding and weapons are right up Dean's alley. It adds a whole new level to their characters, as well as helping to fill in the depressingly death-filled Winchester-Campbell family tree.
- Magnus has vampires as guard dogs. I don't know whether to laugh or be terrified.

- "I have to say, it has gotten lonely over the years." "When you were saying that, did any of it sound creepy as it should have?" Dean...seriously. Is that how you respond to the news that a madman is going to put you in his museum? A madman who reminds me of Henry van Statten from Doctor Who?
- I should have known that Magnus was going to double-cross them. He just gave off creepy vibes.
- Is it just me or is Crowley actually quite fond of Sam? He's always trying to get the youngest Winchester to strike up a friendly little partnership with him (his latest comment included matching tattoos) and looks genuinely offended when Sam keeps rebuffing him.
- Aw, c'mon! Magnus...if you have to torture him, at least please don't cut up Sam's face!? The poor guy's already lucky that he doesn't have scars beyond belief from all the things that have gone for the cheek, let's not add to the collection.
- Poor Dean! Here we go again with one of the brothers thinking that they're a freak!
- Abbadon is so dead...she messed with Dean's car, his baby...
This was an okay episode. It felt like one of those one-step-forward-two-steps-back type of stories and did little to further the overall arc, even if it was a fun little romp with the Crowley intervention and bromance. Hopefully this will all play into the overarching story at hand in some way that I can't see at the moment, but for now it just felt like quest-for-filler. The writing was fun as always, I'm worried about Dean and glad to see Sam sort of getting over their issues, and the episode was at least enjoyable to watch. 3/5 seems an appropriate rating.
What did you think? Do you agree with my rating? If not - what would you say differently
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