If you have not yet seen this film, please go and do so before proceeding.
I learned two things from this. One, X-Men: The Last Stand would have been awesome if Bryan Singer had directed it and two, JFK was assassinated because he was a mutant. Also Jennifer Lawrence is awesome. But we already knew that. Oh. And Quicksilver is all manner of hot and sure to gain a small (or not so small) fandom following all of his own....just sayin'.
The casting in this film was done really well, even if young!Professor X reminds me of what I always imagined young!Sirius Black to look like. And while we're on the subject of younger versions of him, I swear that really!young!Xavier is the kid from the Doctor Who A Christmas Carol special! But seriously, the casting is just perfect. From Quicksilver to Trask, everyone just feels perfect in the roles they have been cast in.
I love Quicksilver and the trick he pulls on the security footage. Very classy. I also appreciate that he notices just how gross the concept of Wolverine's claws really is. The way he broke Magento out was also very interesting. Use of 'Time In A Bottle' during the Quicksilver vs. Pentagon Security fight scene made me laugh SO hard! It really was a priceless touch and the slow-motion used to give us his POV was also very interesting.
I liked the way they really delved into how awful it actually would be for Professor X with his telepathy, hearing all of the hurting voices in the world screaming at him inside his head. I also laughed a bit whenever Wolverine said about his head being already screwed up. What I really loved, though, was the talk between old and young Xavier. This scene could have been clichéd and cheesy...but it just worked so well! A real testament to the actors and director, I think. Also of the mutant powers were showcased really well in this film, but a special shout-out should go to Magneto and the way he tries to steal the sentinels.

This film's pacing was just perfect. Right from the beginning it tore out of the starting gate and slammed on forward with an unrelenting pace. Yet it never feels overstuffed or cluttered and it does take time to breath and get the emotional weight of everything across. In my humble opinion, this is the best X-Men film yet. Better than one, better than two, and certainly realms ahead of three! It's better than any of them. I was actually moved to near tears at a couple of points during the experience. The emotions are there, the characters are wonderful, and the story is one of hope. X-Men Days of Future Past is a SOLID 5/5!
What did you think? Do you agree with my rating? If not - what would you say differently?
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