Monday, March 2, 2015

Supernatural Review: Season 2 Episode 10 "Hunted"

By: Raelle Tucker

If you have not yet seen this episode, please go and do so before proceeding.

"He just said that I had to save you, that nothing else mattered; and that if I couldn't, I'd...I'd have to kill you. He said that I might have to kill you, Sammy." 

Gordon is a most irritating man. In fact, he's so irritating that it is quite difficult to describe him. Emily said he is like an insect that is eating through your best begonias or that itch between your shoulder blades that you can't quite scratch, no matter how much you contort.

'Hunted' picks up right where 'Croatoan' left off with Sam and Dean standing by a lake, discussing John's final words to Dean. Sam, reasonably upset that his father said his brother might have to execute him, takes off on his own and meets up with another young psychic named Ava. She has come to Sam because she's been having visions of a man (Gordon) stalking and killing him. Turns out, Gordon was angry enough at Sam and Dean for outwitting him on the vamp case that he did a bit of digging and found out about Sam's destiny. Basically, he's convinced that Sam is the antiChrist and that it is his job to take this new monster and his army of fellow psychics out. 

His plan involves everything from sniper rifles to elaborate tripwire bombs to actually kidnapping Dean to use as bait for Sam. Gordon has gone full kamikaze. Unfortunately, he forgets to factor in the little fact that he is going up against a Winchester. Sam manages to outsmart Gordon and places a 911 call to get the obsessed hunter picked up by the police, who conveniently discover the arsenal in his car. Unfortunately, while all this is going on, Ava has been taken by demons and her finance slaughtered.


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