Sunday, February 8, 2015

Cabin Pressure Season 1, Episode 4 - Douz

Hi guys. Just thought I'd let you know... I am in my final year of studies (whether college or high-school, make of that what you will) so I don't have very much time to do anything but study during the week. I barely get to read anymore! But anyways, the whole point of this prologue bit is to say I will be turning out a Cabin Pressure once every one or two weeks. Everyone savvy with that? Thanks, guys, and... ON WITH THE REVIEW!

On a side-sidenote... anyone heard Zurich Pt.1 and 2, yet? I have, and cried so hard it was ridiculous. With both laughter and sadness. Love ya, Cabin Pressure!

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the new review of Cabin Pressure. As usual, there are spoilers ahead. If you do not wish to come across them, please go and listen to this episode with haste and then come back. I'll wait for you....

Favourite Moments and Weird Thoughts:

MARTIN (a little more urgently): Actually, I wasn’t being entirely straight with you just now. You see, it’s this damnable sleeping sickness of mine. (He yawns.) Normally, I control it with a mysterious stimulant from South America … (his voice becomes even more urgent) … but, blast it, my supply’s run out! I’m afraid our only hope now is if, by some chance, someone on board knows how to prepare this stimulant and could …

CAROLYN (from the cabin): Yes, we get the message. Arthur, take Martin his coffee.


-Arthur uses 'brilliant' a lot. Camels are brilliant, the Sahara is brilliant. generally, just life itself is brilliant. Why, oh why, can't I have his optimism?

-Douglas only uses petrol stations for Kit Kats. Why do I find that vaguely hilarious...? XP

-And Douglas is also a Sky God. Don't encourage him, Martin!

-MARTIN: Mmm, because of course take-offs are cancelled all the time; landings almost never. ALMOST never?! How about never never?!

-GERTI has a freak-out (what else is new) although...

-Douglas than requires his Biggles Hat, and Martin lands the plane ('I have control! I have control! Control, I have it!) fit to wipe out the dinosaurs.

-So, our Merry Band of MJN Misfits is now stuck in the middle of the desert with a stroppy airport-runner dude, who cannot describe 'fire truck' with any other words than 'fire truck'. Dude! Where's your creativity?!

-Panda Charters went bust. Therefore the Scottish Cricket Team is being flown back to... Scotland? for free by Carolyn and Co. Thats... great.

-So, because Panda Charters went bust, Carolyn has to pay Jutteau before they can go. And they can't.

-Jutteau then surrounds them with all manner of vehicles... and Douglas does something clever to save the day (what else is new?).

-He siphons off the petrol from the surrounding vehicles and gets the cricket team to carry the fire truck (which is in their way) out of the way. And then they decide they're gonna drive to the next nearest airport. DRIVE.

-All throughout the episode, Arthur is taking pictures for MJN's new brochure. The end result...?
Thanks for reading this review, see you next week!

Jess out. :D

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