If you have not seen this film, PLEASE stop reading right now and do so immediately.
Endlessly quotable and exploiting the tropes and stereotypes of classic fairytales to a charming degree, The Princess Bride is a cult classic film that everyone should see at least once during their lifetime. There is fencing, kidnapping, rodents of unusual size, romance, magic, and more witty banter than you can shake a stick at.
There's also an evil prince who is just a little bit more intimidating than this:
And just slightly less on-the-top-of-the-kill-list-irritating than this:
Basically what this film does is take every fairytale trope and stereotype and inflate them to a ridiculous, exploitative, self-aware level of awesomeness. You will be in tears by the end of this movie...tears of laughter. What's the story?

"I've hired you to help me start a war. It's a prestigious career choice with a long and proud tradition."

Like I said, this movie is endlessly quotable. I have a whole plethora of gifs on hand, just to use in my reviews. Scarcely a scene goes by without a sentence or conversation that is worthy of being put on a teeshirt. "You're trying to kidnap what I have rightfully stolen." You know you've found something great whenever there are THAT MANY lines that are memorable.

It's a cult classic and, watching it again, it's easy to see why. This movie has a little bit of everything. It has comedy, cheese, romance, camp, drama, satire, and lots and lots of fencing. You can't go wrong with swinging swords about and spouting one-liners. And rodents of unusual size. Don't forget those. The Princess Bride is a 5/5. If you have not seen it and ignored the warning at the top of this review, GO AND WATCH IT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! I hope I didn't spoil too much for you.
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