By: Ben Edlund
If you have not yet seen this episode, please go and do so before proceeding.
They are the longest-surviving characters on this show. Just let that sink in for a moment...THESE bumblers have outlived Bobby, were here before Castiel, and have managed to survive where the Winchesters and Meg have not. How is this possible?!

Favorite Moments & Random Thoughts:
- This episode is sort of an unofficial back door pilot for the spin-off Ghostfacers: The Web Series which is something that every SPN fan really needs to check out. It is HILARIOUS!
- Harry and Ed's attempts to put together a classy, professional wardrobe never fail to make me laugh. It's the yellow trainers and brown plaid socks that really sets off the whole ensemble.
- "And two lone wolves need...other wolves."
- This episode is another place where we get an Outsider's POV on the Winchesters, which is always fun because we get to see the boys for the badasses they really are instead of getting bogged down in all the man pain we're usually privy to.
- I also like the way the Ghostfacers are actually rather competent in their methods. Sure they don't have the knowledge and skills that the Winchesters do and they're doing it for different reasons, but for civilians they are actually quite smart about it.
- Harry is scared of rats. He and Dean would get on well, actually.
- There's a LOT of swearing in this episode too...tastefully bleeped out, of course. Somehow it sounds all too natural coming from the Winchesters' mouths. Makes sense, I guess. Sam and Dean WERE raised by a tough ex-Marine.
- Ed calls Dean 'chisel chest'. Excuse me while I go laugh and laugh over that...
- I love Dean's reaction to discovering that he has now just been filmed for a prospective TV show. Makes sense that he would be particularly disgusted...he and Sam did just get off the FBI's radar by 'dying' again. So not only is he annoyed at the Hellhounds guys cropping up again, but now his face has been caught on tape and documented that he is indeed still alive after his supposed death.
- It's nice how the Ghostfacers really do care about their friend Corbett. They weren't very smart about coming to the Morton House and they are pretty much doing it to get a movie deal, but they're not totally selfish. They do worry about keeping each other safe and, while they're not always smart about it, they do try.
- This episode is legitimately scary despite the fact that it is hilarious. This is a balance that this show does extremely well.
- Dean trying to shock the death echo out of its loop reminds me of the episode Roadkill where the boys help that woman go into the light.
- "Okay, seriously. Does looking at this nightmare through that camera make you feel better or something?" Thank you, Dean, for giving us a believable reason for people to be filming all of this. THAT is how 'found footage' should be done. You need an excuse or else people will just start to question and be taken out of the experience.
- But not before they fit in a parody of the whole 'discovery kiss argument' cliché that we see in so many reality shows. Anyone who makes fun of that fake emotion is cool with me.
- This is the episode that forever ruined birthday parties for me.
- Gotta love the way these abandoned houses always have just enough crap left inside to provide the information a person would need. Wouldn't the house be totally stripped of stuff like that? Hmmm? The toe-tag thing was disgusting, though. Ewww...
- We get another reminder that Dean only has months left to live. Thanks for that, episode.
- Somehow they manage to make the scene where Ed tries to shock Corbett out of his loop manages to be both utterly hilarious and a tear-jerker. I'm never sure whether to cry or to roll on the floor laughing. I really love this episode because not only is it scary and funny, but it also helps to flesh out the Ghostfacers' characters. We all laugh whenever the narration says that they faced themselves in that house and came out stronger for it, but to be honest I think that is true. Certainly Ed had to put aside his own personal comfort to help Corbett out and to save his friends (and Sam and Dean).
- My only question is how they explained the death of Corbett to people. Did they go to the cops and admit that they broke into this house? How did they tell his family? Hmmm...
- Sammy got beat up a lot this episode. Was that intentional? I wouldn't put it past Edlund to write that into his episode as a kind of underhanded commentary on the show.
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