Monday, July 21, 2014

What the WHAT?!

         Far be it from me to bash any other fandom, fanboy, or fangirl...but sometimes I really have to wonder about things. How exactly does this '' collect their data? Is it by Internet notoriety? (In that case Trekkies, Bronies, and...The SPN Family should all be in the top three.) Or do people honest-to-God vote on these things? (In which on earth did Twilight do so well and yet both Buffy and Sherlock did not make the list at all?!) people REALLY think that we of the Supernatural fans call ourselves SALT GUNNERS?! I mean, is that a thing?

       In all seriousness, though, what the what?! I get how Star Trek was number one on the list as it is a fairly huge fandom...but what about Doctor Who? It's been around longer, fanboys and fangirls, and is still on the air. Judging by the clips used (and the selected 'must-know' quotes) I'd say that the people behind this video only follow the NuWho.


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