Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Squirming of Emily

         Hello, there; Jessica, here! Nice to see y'all again! How's it goin'? Anyways, this is a rather special blog-post, this one... One where I get to get Emily (who's been a total hermit about herself thus far, hasn't she?) to spill her deepest, darkest secrets and desires about herself. You are not gonna want to miss this! So, read on m'dears, and enjoy...*grins evilly*...rather like this:

*Emily is dragged kicking and screaming to the podium and fed a vial of Veritaserum*

Emily: I hate you for this, you know that? Should have known I was getting myself into hot water...okay, fine. I can do this. *takes a deep breath* Can I at least have some free coffee to compensate me for emotional trauma?

Jess: *ignores that* Okay! First fandom ever?

Emily: The Lord of the Rings.

Jess: What is your favourite fandom?

Emily: Uhh...this one varies?

Jess: Who was your first fandom crush?

Emily: I should have seen this one I have to answer?! *sees look and threatening bottle of truth serum* Right. Sorry. Um. Hmm. Uh. Hem. Haw. Does this mean first nostalgic character I noticed was interesting or first character I actually admitted to liking?

Jess: Yes

Emily: To which?

Jess: The latter.

Emily: Darn it. And here I was hoping I could get away with waxing poetic about Disney's Robin Hood! Okay. I can do this.

Jess: Told you.

Emily: Okay, fine. First fandom, I'm going to say Peter Pevensie? Not the Peter from the films, those didn't come out until I was older and he was a jerk anyway, but the Peter from the books and the audio dramas. I'm not even entirely certain if it was a 'crush' or anything like that, usually I don't think of characters like that, but I certainly admired him. To rephrase things a bit, I liked Peter a lot and for a long time he was my favorite character from Narnia. Does that fit?

Jess: Sure. Current fandom crush?

Emily: You should know that I really don't like you right about now...anyway. For a current fandom crush, if I absolutely HAVE to answer and pick someone, I'd have to say Loki. No. Not THAT Loki...I mean Gabriel from Supernatural. I mean, he's pretty awesome. Sure he's a bit of a jerk and plays pranks on the Winchester boys, but he's still hilarious. And his heart's in the right place. We think. We hope? Maybe. Who knows!

Jess: Seriously?

Emily: Oh, and there's also Hawkeye from The Avengers. He's a pretty cool character whenever you look at how he's written. So is Quicksilver from X-Men. And...uh...hmmm. They are certainly some of my favorites. Lots of fun to watch and plenty of witty quips.

Jess: O...kay.

Emily: Oi! You asked!

Jessica: Sherlock or Sam Winchester?

Emily: Sam the whole way! Sherlock and I would probably end up killing other. Of course maybe hanging out with Sam Winchester wouldn't be such a good idea either, considering his luck. Hmmm...

Jessica: The Doctor (9, 10, 11) or Dean Winchester?

Emily: I'd have to say The Doctor. People just die less around him, if you can believe that, and I'm nothing if not a  practical woman. I'd like to keep my guts where they're supposed to be and un-possessed, thank you very much!

Jess: Which is your favourite hobbit?

Emily: That depends on whether we're talking books, audio, or film. But I have a feeling you mean from PJ's films, so I'd have to say Pippin. He's just so adorable and cute and has a great character arc and...yeah. Pippin.

Jess: Sure he's not your crush?

Emily: Quite sure.

Jess: Favourite character in the world?

Emily: Whoa, whoa...hang on! D'you mean real-world? Or just in the world of media and literature in general?

Jess: Media in general. But your answer to the other one'd be interesting to see as well...

Emily: Ehh...let's just stick to media in general, shall we? I would have to say that my favorite character of all would have to be...shoot. How am I ever to decide? It changes from year to year. Right now I'd have to say it's a cross between Charlie Bradbury from Supernatural, Elizabeth Bennet from Pride & Prejudice, and Reepicheep? Yeah. Let's go with that. Although I also love Donna Noble. And Mary Watson. And Gandalf. And...uh, I can't decide!

Jess: Fandom that has made you cry the most and why?

Emily: The show Supernatural never fails to make me cry. All fandoms live off of feels...but this one is just engineered to churn them out in droves. It takes a LOT to make me actually cry over a television show, let me tell you, but for some reason this one does it every time. Between the whole theme of family and loyalty and betrayal, there's also that little fact that nothing ever goes right for the Winchesters (it's almost like A Series of Unfortunate Events...only less hilarious) and the brotherly love and they keep dying and being brought back to life for a price and all the forces of Heaven and Hell are stacked against them and all they want is to just save a few lives and live together without destiny hanging over their heads and tearing them apart and...and...yeah. I'm going to shut up now.

Jess: Best season finale of SuperWhoLock you've ever seen?

Emily: Hey! That's not entirely fair, given that all three shows are still airing. But I'll go down on the record for what I think is the best so far. For Doctor Who, hands down, the best is The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang. For Sherlock the best finale was The Reichenbach Fall. They're going to have a mighty hard time topping that ever. My advice would be to not let Moffat write the series finales until he gets his act back together. As for Supernatural? Hmmm...that's a bit harder to decide. Honestly it comes down to a contest between Swan Song of Season 5 and Sacrifice from Season 8. There. Am I done?!

So, there you have it. Emily has spilled her beans, and is now sleeping off the effects of the three hundred vials of Veritaserum we had to use...I don't even know whether she's breathing or not...Ummm. Yeah. O-kay... *runs off to take Em's pulse*

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