Friday, August 29, 2014

Trinity (Parody of '3')

One, two, three
Harry, Ron, Hermione
That’s the power of three
Doctor, Rory, Amy


One, Two, Three
Dean and Cas and Sammy
That’s the power of three
No one can disagree

Why is it always
When something big happens 
You are to blame?
All the ships sink
Bermuda Triangle
And everybody dies
And feels are mangled

Unholy trinity
Mofftiss, Whedon, Kripke; they are deadly
Rowling, Collins, Green


One, two, three
Harry, Ron, Hermione
That’s the power of three
Doctor, Rory, Amy


One, Two, Three
Dean and Cas and Sammy
That’s the power of three
No one can disagree

One, two, three
Hunger Games trilogy
There’s a power of three
In Greek mythology


One, two, three
Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli
See the power of three
Edmund, Eustace, Lucy

Three is a charm
Two is not the same
A third wheel always
Helps with stability
So no it’s not true
That three is company
Those who say that have not
Seen the power of three

Unholy trinity
Mofftiss, Whedon, Kripke; they are deadly
Rowling, Collins, Green


One, two, three
Harry, Ron, Hermione
That’s the power of three
Doctor, Rory, Amy


One, Two, Three
Dean and Cas and Sammy
That’s the power of three
No one can disagree

Of course it isn’t always perfect
‘Cause sometimes Death comes to collect
So don’t count on your BroT3
Living through the season finale
Get four or even more

One, two, three
Harry, Ron, Hermione
That’s the power of three
Doctor, Rory, Amy


One, Two, Three
Dean and Cas and Sammy
That’s the power of three
No one can disagree

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