Saturday, August 16, 2014

Peter (Parody of 'Judas')

Oh-oh-no I’m in love with Spiderman, Spiderman
Oh-oh-no I’m in love with Spiderman, Spiderman

Peter, Peter Parker
Peter, Peter Parker 
Peter, Peter Parker
Peter, Peter Parker

Peter, Peter Parker
Peter, Peter Parker 
Peter, Peter Parker
Spidey, Spiderman!

We’ve known each other ever since first grade
He was a dork and I was Mary Jane
But then the eency weency spider came
And Peter Parker got a cool upgrade

Oh-oh-oh He’s now a spider, and a crime fighter
Oh-oh-oh A vigilante, who’s in love with me

I don’t know what he is, but I do know I’m his
Because he saved me from the balcony
He’s fought a lot of villains and killed the Green Goblin
And he’s made a lot of enemies

I’m not sure if this is wise, but I know he’ll always be in my
Heart even if I say no and leave him for time twenty-two

It’s all for his own good
No I’m not just in a mood
Not trying to be rude
I’m sorry that I made him brood

I know that people think that I’m a fool
A damsel in distress, unwitting tool
Eye candy for Peter to have to save
He deserves better is what they’ll rant and rave

I can’t deny that I can be so shy and needy
And I know I’m one dimensional, not very sensible

I’m sorry for my writing, it’s not all that exciting
But I’m not the one behind the scenes
I’m just in love with Peter, I know now he’s a keeper
And somebody’s got to be there to scream

So I guess I’ll play the girl he has to save along with the world
It hurt my heart when he was down and Venom beat him to the ground

And though now in the reboots
He got a girl in cahoots
She isn’t me but I don’t really mind
Because I’ve got my Peter
My red and blue clad savior
And though Doctor Who made the new
He suits me fine

I’ll always love him
But something’s always pulling me away
If feels like we’ll never win
But at least we escape to fight another day
Another day

Well Peter does the fighting because of lousy writing
And I love him even though I’m flat
I’m a redhead, not a blond; this is why our franchise bombed
And why do I take all the flack?

I’m just a girl who is hopelessly in love with Spiderman
He swings from buildings up above and saves the children on the van

Peter, Peter Parker
Such a smart-mouthed snarker
Peter, Peter Parker
My brave superhero

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