Wednesday, July 30, 2014



         Hi, everybody! So I know that the song 'Royals' has been done to death, really I do. Contrary to popular opinion, I'm not actually a hermit and I don't live under a rock. (It's actually a turtle shell...but who's keeping score?) So here is the poem I have subtitled Another Royals Parody (for that is what it is) and it is dedicated to all my fellow geeks, nerds, fanboys, fangirls, or whatever you wish to label yourself as. Enjoy!

You know Buffy’s my drug of choice
You know I spent my savings on all the posters
And if my eyes seem kinda moist
I’ve just got off Moffat’s rollercoaster

So don’t you tease about dating, romance, ‘obsessing’ over hedgehogs
Fake geek girls, why I don’t go for your heartthrobs
I don’t care! I’m fighting Klingons in my dreams
And you know I like X-Men, Firefly, Star Wars, Supernatural
Fred and George, Frodo, and of course Gabriel
Don’t you know? They’ve been my friends for many years!

And I’ll never be normal (normal)
It’s not compatible with my blood
That kind of life is not for me
I crave a different cup of tea

I’ll be your dungeon master (master)
Know every line of Merlin
And, mocker, I’ll rule, I’ll rule, I’ll rule, I'll rule
‘Cause normal’s so boring

My friends and I talk through chat rooms
We share spoilers and have virtual parties
And everyone who knows us knows
Stay out of our way after a SuperWhoLock finale!

The fandom life is made up of sobs and sniffles and smiles
The sniffles win out, but we’d walk 500 miles
Just to be at ComiCon in person, yeah
And we improve our minds writing fanfic, doing fanart and cosplay
Learning Elvish, crying over soufflés
And that’s okay, because we do it as a team

And we’ll never be normal (normal)
That’s illogical indeed
‘Cause Narnia's calling our name
And World of Warcraft’s a great game

Let’s all bond over music (music)
Weird Al or The Beatles?
And that’s how we roll, we roll, we roll, we roll
We also hunt Internet Trolls

Ooh ooh oh
I just don’t know what we would do
Without friends that stick just like glue
Ooh ooh oh
Close as brothers and sisters
Tributes, Potterheads, Whovians, Ringers

My friends are not real friends you say?
Is that because we met online through our writing?
And ‘cause at the end of the day
We have each other’s backs when feels threaten drowning?

Oh now you’ve gone way too far, that’s not cool, did your mother teach you manners?
*Reach for wand and phaser and my best screwdriver*
I know ways to hide your salted and burnt corpse, dude!
Insult me all you want but you’d better leave my friends alone
See? This is why geeks so often sit at home
Don’t you see? If this was about sports buddies, I’d be rude!

Because that would be normal (normal)
But it’s kinda pointless anyway
Because that word is so cliché
A setting on your dryer, they say

And just because we have Vulcans (Vulcans)
Doesn’t make us better than you
But at least we’re not rude, not rude, not rude, not rude
Which is more than we can say for you

©Emily Ecrivaine (2014)

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