Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Word Crimes


       I've been WAITING for this parody! By now the controversy surrounding Robin Thicke's 'Blurred Lines' is more or less dying down, just in time for Weird Al to come sweeping in on the metaphorical white horse and rescue this song. I loved the funky beat to 'Blurred Lines' from when I first heard it on the radio, but then I noticed the awful, AWFUL lyrics and any affection for the song I had quickly vanished (along with any hope for the future of pop). Weird Al, on the other hand, is someone I've been a fan of for years. Ever since my parents introduced me to 'Eat It' I have loved and enjoyed his parody work. In fact, I'll just come out and say that 'White & Nerdy' may just be one of my top ten favourite songs of all time. So imagine my delight whenever this 'Blurred Lines' parody came out, beautifully utilising the catchy tune and funky beat of the original and providing social commentary and being the soundtrack to Eats, Shoots & Leaves at the same time! I think I'm in love. And I may have done a stupid little dance the entire way through this song. But you didn't hear that from me...

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