Tuesday, August 26, 2014

NuWho Review: 2011 Minisode "Death Is The Only Answer"

By: Children of Oakley CE Junior School

If you have not yet seen this minisode, please go and do so before proceeding.

           That awkward moment whenever a bunch of school kids create a better episode than the professional writers...

        No. That's not quite fair. Whatever my issues with Steven Moffat at the moment, I've still got to admit that he has been and (going by the new series finale) will be again an excellent writer. And the rest of his team are great in varying degrees of enjoyability, depending on the series. But these kids from the Oakley CE Junior School are no slouches in the writing department either. Oh I'm sure that someone looked over the script before filming (one would hope) but the fun of this minisode can be attributed directly to those kids and to Matt Smith who, as always, is amazing.

       In the story The Doctor, presumably between adventures with River and Amy and Rory, stumbles into the control room with his beloved fez. With his typical grace and aplomb he stumbles into a lever and the fez is zapped out, only to reappear on the head of none other than Albert Einstein...apparently long time colleague and kind-of friend to The Doctor. Who has tried to steal the TARDIS. Numerous times. Much to The Doctor's bemusement. They banter and bicker for a while until the experiment Albert was working on mutates and turns him into a rampaging Ood. The Doctor zaps him back (leaving him with the classic mad scientist 'do) and drops him off back home with a congenial slap on the back.

        This minisode is fun for two reasons. One, it has some great snappy dialogue and wit that bounces between The Doctor and Albert with hilarious sharpness and two, it is a very well-contained minisode plot that neither feels overstuffed nor contrived. Those kids, I'm telling you! If you haven't seen this, I STRONGLY advise that you do so as soon as possible. It's just a joy to watch.

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