If you have not yet seen this film
Or you could just watch this:
Okay. Do you have the general gist of the story figured out yet? You do? Great! Let's proceed with the review then...complete with spoilers. Because the only way to talk about Lord of the Rings is to just spoil away. Shall we begin?
In 1937, Oxford professor and philologist John Ronald Ruel Tolkien, published his first full-length novel The Hobbit to great critical acclaim and reader enthusiasm. It was so popular, in fact, that the publishers (Allen & Unwin) requested that Professor Tolkien craft a sequel. Fourteen years (and two failed attempts at pushing The Silmarillion) later, Tolkien finally had completed, edited, and rewritten his masterpiece: The Downfall of the Lord of the Rings and the Return of the King...to give it its proper title. Originally written as a single work, segmented into six smaller books, the publishers split the Bible of all Geekdom up into three volumes, creating what we today know as the Lord of the Rings Trilogy.

But, aside from those loose animated features and the cut-down BBC audio, Tolkien's monster book was thought to be unfilmable. Certainly it could NEVER be faithfully made into a live-action flick. We all remember what a disaster the script for the first and last attempt was...Professor Tolkien himself turned it down in disgust. (The lembas was changed into 'compressed concentrated food stuff', as I recall...and that's not even starting on what was done to the plot!) Fans had all but given up on the idea that a faithful and enjoyable live-action adaptation of The Lord of the Rings was even feasible. Enter this guy:
Director Peter Jackson (or 'PJ', as I call him) dreamed of filming this 'unfilmable' story for years and, in 1997, he was finally able to start storyboard work on The Lord of the Rings trilogy after finally securing a three-film contract with New Line Cinema. After years of hard work and anticipation from fans, The Fellowship of the Ring premiered on December 10, 2001 in London.
I will be reviewing from the Extended Editions of these films...because that is the version I own and is also the one that is the best. If you haven't seen this version, I strongly suggest that you find one of your Tolkien Junkie friends and bully, beg, and bribe them until they let you borrow their copies (and they will have one). One thing I really love about the Extended Edition (hereafter going to be referred to as 'EE') is the actual extra material that was shot. This isn't just a version that adds in all of the little scenes that were trimmed for time. No, PJ actually went back and shot extra footage, including a new introductory scene for the hobbits that talks of their history and just what a hobbit is. I understand why these touches were cut out of the theatrical edition as most of the extra scenes are just for the benefit of hardcore fans and sometimes disrupt the flow and pacing of the film, but that doesn't mean that everyone claiming the title of LotR Fan shouldn't see them as they really enhance the experience.
Right from the first bit of Elvish chanting at the beginning of this film I get chills. I remember the first time I watched this film. I was SO excited because it had PG-13 rating and my parents were very strict about letting me watch things higher than PG. I was only twelve years old and it felt so grown-up (and naughty) to be watching a PG-13 film! That opening gave me chills then and it still does today, nearly a decade later. Right away it takes you back thousands of years to an age when there was more green and less smog and where hobbits were still numerous.
One thing that was done just about perfectly for this films was the casting. From Sir Ian McKellen as Gandalf to Sean Astin as Sam pretty much everyone was the embodiment of how I had pictured the characters from the books. Except for Hugo Weaving as Elrond. I still don't know what happened there (rumor is that David Bowie wanted the role too..) but he was definitely jarring whenever I was first watching The Fellowship of the Ring.
I'll admit that I did a fair amount of fangirling whenever I realized that Ian Holm was playing Bilbo Baggins. For those of you who don't realize the significance of that fact, you should now be educated that Ian Holm (in addition to being a wonderfully talented actor) is also a LotR veteran, given that he provided the voice of Frodo Baggins for the BBC Audio Drama of the trilogy. Yes. That's right. Holm has now portrayed both of the famous hobbits from Tolkien's Middle-Earth stories. And, naturally,he simply knocks it out of the park!
Another thing that makes these films so wonderful is the love and care put into the adaptation. Oh sure I'll jokingly moan and groan about ol' Bombadil being cut from the finished script or about Arwen replacing Glorfindel, but that's just a minor complaint because everything is done so well and with such love and care that you know they considered every cut and change closely (rather than just going in and hacking with focus groups/demographic scissors like so many other franchises seem to do).
One reason I always say that you should watch the EE of these films is that the theatrical release really doesn't do it justice. Take Boromir, for instance. Now there is a character who I don't actually think Tolkien liked very much. Indeed within the books themselves, he seems to be just there to serve as the 'noble man corrupted by evil' character. He's not very well developed and much of what we then learn about his good qualities come from reminiscence by his brother, Faramir (who Tolkien really liked). But here, in the films and especially in the extended editions, we get to know Boromir as a person before he is a plot device. Probably carrying over from his own relationship with his brother, Boromir immediately takes a liking to Merry and Pippin (the youngest hobbits) and pretty much turns into the surrogate big brother of the Fellowship. He teaches them to fight, he protects them whenever they're attacked, he is always the first to defend and the last to retreat...he even is the only one to reach out to Frodo immediately after Gandalf dies. The Boromir of the films is just a great character and you'd be missing out on half of that great development if you stuck with just the theatrical release.
And you wouldn't get to hear this song:
Another thing that this film does so well is the casting of Middle Earth itself. I remember going into these films and just being utterly BLOWN AWAY by the beauty of the New Zealand landscapes. Everything is so green and gold and the locations perfectly picked that they line up with my imaginings from the books almost perfectly. In a way the scenery is as much of a character as Gandalf or Frodo is because so much time and effort was put into finding and growing the right places and because so many of the shots in the film just show off the utter gorgeousness of it all. These days big, long, sweeping shots are more or less a dime a dozen...but back whenever FotR first came out, we had never really seen this before on the big screen.
It helps that they went out of their way to make the prop itself unsettling too with the fire occasionally reflected on the surface, the creepy ambiance that is the Ring whispering, and the fact that it seems very heavy for its size.

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...and yet after a hundred years, they can still surprise you. |
It should also be noted that some of the problems with the movie can be cleared up by the EE where it is explained about the elves leaving Middle Earth and explains more about Elrond's misgivings and explains why Frodo chose to go through the mines and explains why Boromir came to Rivendell and explains many of the things that are expanded on in the books. That's why I always recommend that people watch them.
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