The Top Ten SPN Episodes On My Bucket List
Translation: The ten I really
want to see happen before the show finally draws to a close.
Honourable Mention: Fan Fiction
Because they're already doing the musical episode.
10: Unholy Trinity

Just for a charity event...even if Jared
doesn't fit in the TARDIS. I agree that SuperWhoLock wouldn't really work as a full-length episode, but why not for charity? I can guarantee that it would make a BUNDLE of money! In fact, I would be perfectly happy if there was a SuperWhoLock crossover where they all just sat around and played poker for fifteen-twenty minutes.
Batman: The Animated Series had an episode like that.
Almost Got 'im was a full-length episode of the show where a whole bunch of villains literally just sat around a table playing poker and recounting short vignettes of how they almost got the Batman. Why couldn't we have something similar for SuperWhoLock for Children in Need or something? Not only would everyone watch and donate to see their favorite characters together (and it would bring in people from each fandom that weren't in the others) but such an episode is a great little character piece because you can focus on the people and relationships without having to worry about fitting in a plot and having it work. It's literally a character study. Please could we try this one?
9: Night Of The Undead - feat. Robert Pattinson

Sorry, Twihards, but you might want to look away for this one because I am
not a fan any more than Mr. Pattinson is. So it would be wonderful, it really would, to have a vamp episode featuring him as a half-mad vampire hunter with a vendetta. He wouldn't even have to play a made-up character. He could play himself. If this show can behead Paris Hilton and say that Snooki is a demon, anything is possible. awesome would that be? We know he can act, thanks to
Harry Potter, and I'm sure if they asked him he'd be MORE than happy to go up to Vancouver and film it. We could have a good, old-fashioned hunt with plenty of scares and vamps and decapitations and none of the grey areas that Sam and Dean are always encountering and complaining about. It would be a monster hunt a la Season 1...except with the added bonus of a Robert Pattinson cameo. (Though, they would probably kill him off...) Pretty please?
8: A Midsummer's Nightmare

We just need more Dean vs. fairies. Especially now that we know not all of them are malevolent troublemakers, thanks to Gilda. Maybe this episode could bring Charlie back from Oz (because that's part of the fae realm) and she accidentally brings some of the Magic Folk with her? Not only would it give us the best female character ever back to whip Sam and Dean into shape, but it would help expand that part of the show's mythology a bit more. Besides...Dean vs. Tinkerbelle is always hilarious. Pretty please with a cherry on top?
7: Highway To Hellmouth - feat. Sarah Michelle Gellar

No I don't want a crossover with
Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I don't even want a parody of it. Not only is that show over (for airing, that is) but the mythologies of the two are pretty much incompatible, especially where vampires are concerned. The only thing that connects is that the vamps on SPN often wear out-of-date leather ensembles and that you have to drink their blood to be turned. And that last is pretty much par for the course when it comes to vamps in general. No. What I want is for Sarah Michelle Gellar to play a hunter. A blond, tough hunter who kicks butt and has a specialty for taking out vamps. Because everyone will instantly make the connection to Buffy, but it'll be more of a reference just for fans. Besides. We know she can pull it off. And they already had Spike and Cordy on the show, to name just a few cameos, so why not Sarah? I think she'd fit right in and it would be a nice touch. Can this happen, please?
6: Livin' On A Prayer

I would really love to see SPN expand a bit on the whole 'guardian angel' idea. We have so many instances where they're hinted at and seeing as how we've had Reapers, Archangels, Warrior Seraphs, and even Cupids I think we could fit them in somewhere, couldn't we? Mary always
did say that angels would be watching over and I
refuse to think that it was just a coincidence joke about Zachariah. We all know what the universe says about coincidences...but in all seriousness, it would be interesting. And it would give us something to do with the angels aside from civil war after increasingly-boring civil war. Could we have this, please?
5: Days of Future Past
Okay so one thing I think would be really interesting would be a story where Sam and Dean literally take a trip back to their younger days. Not through flashback but through time travel. (Maybe blame it on Gabriel?) This would give us plenty of chances for comedy as well as tears, which are basically the bread and butter of the show. In addition it would give us an excuse to have Jeffrey Dean Morgan back. And, whether or not you like John Winchester, you have to admit that JDM is, in a word, AWESOME. It wouldn't even have to impact future timelines if they're worried about screwing up continuity because they could just pull a
The Song Remains The Same move on us. Seriously, though. Make it a lesson to Sam and Dean in a reminder about what's important or something. Or maybe a warning to John? Hmmm. Either way, please make this happen?
4: Remember The Name
So they sort-of resolved the story line of Ben Braedon (Winchester?) but, of course, few of us were satisfied. Most people, even if they despised Lisa, at least liked Ben. How can you not? He was adorable! It was such a shame that he was written out the way he was because I really wanted to know how he grew up and what became of him and (most importantly) if that demon really was telling the truth whenever it said he was Dean's or if it was just messing with their heads. Demons lie on this show...but sometimes they tell the truth whenever the truth is far more terrible or unsettling. So wouldn't it be great if Ben came back as a hunter? Even though his memories were erased it could still happen...especially if he actually is a Winchester because they attract trouble. Or if he is a cop who arrests Dean or something. I don't care how it happens, I just want to see them on screen again together despite the feels. Please, writers?
3: Freaky Friday The Thirteenth

THIS is what I wanted to see whenever I went into
Swap Meat. I want to see Sam and Dean get body swapped. I want to see Sam (as Dean) gleefully downing salads and protein shakes. And then I want to see Dean (as Sam) threaten to cut Sam's hair. They could just have so much fun with this and it could tie into the whole brotherly issues of how they just need to walk in each other's shoes for a while. And aside from the hilarity that could result from such a move, it would also give us a perfect opening for a Samulet resolve which is something we've been brooding over for five seasons now. Please, please, please can this happen? I know
Swap Meat was a disaster...but this is different. We've already had a
Groundhog Day episode; surely we can fit in a
Freaky Friday one too, right?
2: The Hunter's Wife

Ever since I saw
The Doctor's Wife I knew that I wanted to see SPN do their own version of that story line with Baby because if Sexy can become a person and meet The Doctor face-to-face then Dean Winchester deserves a conversation with his beloved Impala. Just think about it. That Impala has been the boys' homes for nearly thirty years and was part of their family since before they were even born. Dean has lovingly rebuilt her from scratch and kept her peak condition and she's always been there for them. Sam carefully kept her in condition and pristine (except for the iPod) while Dean was gone and clearly loves her too even while he rolls his eyes at Dean. She's a character in the show and she deserves to speak! Seriously, writers, this would be awesome. Can you please consider it?
1: The Tale Of The Three Brothers

Y'all knew this one was coming, didn't you? Look. I don't care if they spring him just to kill him and put him out of his misery. It still would be better than living through the Hell he is now. Presumably Sam would have at least tried to protect him for the years they were down there together...but Sam could only have done so much and he's out now. Adam's probably a gibbering mess if he isn't fully converted into black smoke by now. I just want to see him come back and get some resolution for his character. Either for Sam and Dean to spring him and for them to at least get to attempt to be brothers or for him to come back as a villain. Either one would work for me. And, if he dies, at least then he'll be free of Hell and at peace. Just give us some resolution, darn it! We only joke about it because the horror and pain is too much otherwise. Please, writers? You're betraying the core ideals of the show if you don't at least acknowledge it.
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